Asta maja ehitus edeneb

Asta maja ehitus edeneb

Friday, July 23, 2021

Check out the build of Asta’s tiny house.

Asta’s Tiny House

Friday, July 23, 2021

Portland Estonian Community member Asta lost her house to the Labor Day fire of 2020. Our community and Asta’s friends are cleaning up the area and help to build a new house on the banks of the beautiful Clackamas river.
Asta saab uue kodu!

Eesti Vabariik 100

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäeva tähistamine

Portlandi eestlased ja Kammerkoor Unistus tähistavad Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäeva
laupäeval 24. veebruaril kell 1:00 p.l.
Milwaukie Lutheran Church
3810 SE Lake Road, Milwaukie, Oregon

Kammerkoor Unistus – Lonnie Cline dirigent; Joshua Weir, abidirigent; Karen Corbett, klaverisaatja
Portlandi Eesti Segakoor – Kati Tamm-Parik, dirigent
Tulehoidjad – tantsujuhid Liina Teose, Janne Sepp

Seltskondlikus osas pakume toosti Eesti Vabariigi sünnipäeva auks, kerget einet ning meelelahutust seltskondlike tantsudega.
Kontserdi sissepääs on tasuta, vabatahtlikud annetused on teretulnud.

Üritust toetab Rotalia Foundation, kes annab igal aastal 50 stipendiumi eesti üliõpilastele ning toetab ka kohalikku USA Lääneranniku eestlaste tegevust.

Portland Estonians and Unistus Chamber Choir are celebrating the 100th Independence Day of the Republic of Estonia on February 24th 1:00pm

Milwaukie Lutheran Church
3810 SE Lake Road, Milwaukie, Oregon

Unistus Chamber Choir – Lonnie Cline, Conductor; Joshua Weir, Associate Conductor; Karen Corbett, Accompanist
Portland Estonian Mixed Choir – Kati Tamm-Parik, Conductor
Tulehoidjad folkdancers – Liina Teose, Janne Sepp, directors

The concert is followed by informal gathering with a toast, light meal and social dances.

The event is free, donations are welcome.

The event is sponsored by Rotalia Foundation that awards 50 scholarships for students in Estonia every year and supports local US West Coast Estonian activites.

Portlandi Eesti Selts
Portland Estonian Society

Eesti Vabariik 95

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Portlandi eestlased tähistavad  Eesti Vabariigi 95. aastapäeva

16. veebruaril Portlandi Läti majas               
11:00 e.l. jumalateenistuse              
1:00 p.l. aktuse ja seltskondliku koosviibimisega

Aktuse külaliseks ja peakõnelejaks
Eesti Suursaadik USA-s, Kanadas ja Mehhikos
Marina Kaljurand

Unistus ja Clackamas Community College Choir Lonnie Cline juhatusel
PES laulukoor
Tulehoidjad lapsed ja täiskasvanud

Seltskondlikus osas pakume kerget einet ning meelelahutust seltskondlike tantsude ja mängude näol.
Palun tooge kaasa kõrvalroog või magustoit ühislauale
Sissepääs:  $ 5.00 täiskasvanutele, $ 3.00 noortele (6-16), vaba lastele 5 a. ja nooremad.


Portland Estonians are celebrating the
95th Independence Day of the Republic of Estonia

February 16th, Latvian Hall, 5500 SW Dosch Rd.
11:00 am Church service
1:00 pm Commemoration Ceremony and social gathering

Guest speaker
Estonian Ambassador to USA, Canada and Mexico
Marina Kaljurand

Unistus and Clackamas Community Choir directed by Lonnie Cline.
PES Choir
Tulehoidjad adults and children

Followed by informal gathering with food and social dances
PES will provide light supper with ham, please bring a side dish or desert for the table.
Cost for the event: $5 per adult and $3 per youth (6-16) and free for children 5 and younger.

Talipäevad 2013

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Talipaevad pdf-fail

Portlandi eestlaste talipäevad

Palun võtke osa talipäevadest 25-27. jaanuaril 2013 Boardwalk Lodge’is 30544 East Olive Trail, Government Camp.  Talipäevade hind täiskasvanule on $140 ja lastele (6-18) $45. See sisaldab öömaja ja toidu ning laupäevase õhtusöögi Huckleberry Inn restoranis. Toidu valikuks on prime rib või kana ning palume sellest reservatsiooni ajal teada anda. Lastele on eraldi menüü. Õhtusöögi eel on võimalik maitsta siidrit. Talipäevade koha reserveerimiseks andke teada võimalikult peatselt  või e-maili aadressil  Täiskasvanu hind tõuseb $150-ni pärast 14. jaanuari. Palun kirjutada tshekk PES nimele ja saata postiga Ingmar Saul’ile, PO Box 18209, Portland, OR 97218


Portland Estonian Ski Weekend

The traditional “Ski Weekend” is slowly approaching so mark your calendars and plan on joining us at the Boardwalk Lodge, 30544 East Olive Trail, Government Camp on January 25th, 26th, and 27th, 2013. The cost is $140 per adult and $45 per youth (6-18). Make sure you sign up early because after January 14th the price will go up to $150 per adult and youth prices will stay the same.

The cost will cover your lodging and food for the weekend as well as Saturday nights dinner at the Huckleberry Inn (when making your reservation please indicate your choice for dinner – prime rib or chicken). Also, there will be a cider tasting before dinner on Saturday night.  For those individuals who wish to join us for dinner at the Huckleberry but not stay for the weekend the cost will be $25.00.

Please make your reservations by   email Ingmar Saul  at and reserve your spot today.  Please send your checks (payable to PES) by January 19 to Ingmar Saul, PO Box 18209, Portland, OR 97218.

Portlandi Eesti Seltsi juhatus



EV 94 aastapäev – Independence Day 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Estonian Independence Day Celebration  February  25th, 2012. 11:00 am Church Service, 1:00pm Ceremony-Concert, Latvian Hall

Eesti Teater Portlandis – Estonian Play in Portland 26. veebruar 3:00 p.l. Läti Maja saalis

February 26th at 3:00 pm Latvian Center Hall 5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland

For more information on Teater

Estonian Society of Portland

Kalev Sepp at

Eesti Vabariik 94 – Teater

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Portlandi eestlased tähistavad Eesti Vabariigi 94 kahe-päevase ürituste seeriaga. Laupäeval 25. veebruaril toimub traditsiooniline aktus-kontsert Portlandi kooride ja pillimängu harrastajate etteastega ning 26. veebruaril on meil harukordne võimalus tõelist Eesti teatrit “Orav ja Meri” nautida tuntud näitlejate ettekandes. Mõlemad üritused toimuvad Läti Majas.

Portland Estonians are celebration the Estonian 94th Independence Day with ceremony-concert on February 25th and Estonian Theater play “Orav ja Meri” on February 26th.

Eesti Teater Portlandis – Estonian Play in Portland

 26. veebruar 3:00 p.l. Läti Maja saalis  

February 26th at 3:00 pm Latvian Center Hall
5500 SW Dosch Rd, Portland


Ehtne Eesti satiir, populaarsed näitlejad Egon Nuter ja Andrus Vaarik
Authentic Estonian Theater with popular actors Egon Nuter and Andrus Vaarik

Orav ja Meri

Nagu pealkirigi ütleb, mängivad näitlejad legendaarseid tegelasi Ivan Oravat ja Meri (Lennart Meri), kes sedapuhku kirjutuslauda pööningult alla veavad. See füüsiline töö käib aga korüfeedele ilmselt üle jõu ja nii nad sisustavadki aega kehakinnitamise, väikse napsi ja vaimuka vestlusega, mida eesti koomikute koorekihti kuuluvad Egon Nuter ja Andrus Vaarik laval säravalt esitavad.

Orav and Meri

This is an amusing story about the legendary Ivan Orav and Meri (Lennart Meri). The pair attempts to move a writing table down from the attic. Such an effort is too much for the codgers so they pause to eat, have a drink and engage in a witty conversation. Top Estonian comedians Egon Nuter and Andrus Vaarik are brilliant in their roles as these two historical figures. They have been playing these roles for years, but as there is room for improvisation every play is unique and special.

Estonian Theater Orav ja Meri – PDF Poster

LEP 2011 – Thank You!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lääneranniku Eesti Päevad 2011

We did it ! Together, we brought nearly 800 participants to LEP2011 to celebrate world- class Estonian music, folk dance, and many other aspects of our cultural heritage. That’s more than 200 over our goal! We worked hard during the festival, and all our events occurred with great success. The performances were awe-inspiring, and the participants returned home with wonderful memories.
We are grateful for the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication all of you brought as volunteers to LEP2011. Thank you for the generous donation of your time and efforts !
By all of our volunteer efforts, we set a wonderful example for LEP 2013, and demonstrated the power of individuals working together to create a remarkable festival.
Leo Rosten, noted academic and humorist, wrote “The purpose of life is not to be happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.” We are fortunate to belong to a community that places great value on volunteerism. Our combined efforts to en- hance Estonian cultural life in our community have made a difference in all of our lives.
Thank you very much for your tremendous help with organizing our great celebration of Estonian culture and ethnicity in Portland !
Kalle Merilo

Ühtelaulmine Portlandis

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Reedel, 20.augustil tähistab Eesti iseseisvumise taastamise 19 aastapäevaÜhtelaulmise” üritusega.
See toimub samaaegselt üle Eesti 20.augustil kell 20:00.

Tähistame seda ka Portlandis:
Kustume kõiki, kes soovivad laulda eesti koorimuusikat sellel reedel, 20.augustil Washingtoni pargi Portland Rose Gardeni Shakespeare osasse. Koguneme kella 7:30 pl ja alustame laulmist 7:45 pl.
Esitame 8 tuntud eesti koorilaulu (vaata all olevat nimekirja).
Kõik lauljad olenemata oskustest on kutsutud! Rahvariiete kandmine pole oluline.

This Friday, on the 20th of August, all interested singers of Estonian choral music are encouraged to meet at the Shakespearean section of the Portland Rose Garden at Washington Park. We will gather at 7:30 PM and starting singing by 7:45 PM.
8 well known choral pieces will be performed. All singers, regardless of ability, are invited.
Since this is a mass-sing-a-long, folk costumes are optional. We will have Estonian flags at the event.

On this day, Estonia will celebrate its 19th year of the restoration of independence with a global choral event named “Ühtelaulmine”, or in English, “Singing in Unison”. Choirs will congregate in hundreds of locations throughout Estonia to sing 8 well-known and heartfelt choral songs. Everyone is encouraged to participate, regardless of their singing abilities.

This invitation to sing is extended throughout the globe.

The music selected by Estonia for this global event is as follows:


1. R. Eespere „Ärkamise aeg“
2. R. Kull „Kodumaa“ (Kas tunned maad)
3. Ü. Vinter „Laul Põhjamaast“
4. P. Sarapik „Ta lendab mesipuu poole“
5. M. Härma „Tuljak“
6. V. Tormis „Ühtelaulmine“
7. F. Saebelmann „Sind Surmani“
8. K. A.Herman „Kaunimad laulud“

(Kungla Rahvas may replace one of the above selections, as necessary)

Kui võimalik võtke kaasa oma noodid. Mõned koopiad on võimalik saada ka kohapealt, kuid me pole kindlad kui palju on osalejaid.

If possible, please bring your own music to sing from. Some copies will be available, but we have no idea how many singers will participate in this event. We hope to have enough music for everyone who wishes to sing.

If you have any questions, please call me at 503-260-4739!



LEP Üldkoosolek – General Meeting

Thursday, June 3, 2010

EOLL juhatus kutsub kõiki kokkusaamisele, et jagada teavet järgmiste
Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade kohta,
mis toimuvad 3-7. augustil 2011 Portlandis.

Ootame osalema neid, kes on huvitatud kaasa lööma ja abistama järgmiste Lääneranniku Eesti Päevade läbiviimisel.
Teretulnud on kõik!

 20. juuni 2010 / June 20th 2010
7:00 pm.
 Läti Maja / Latvian Hall
5500 SW Dosch Road,
Portland, Oregon 97239
The Board of Directors of the ESTONIAN LEAGUE OF THE WEST COAST
Invites you to an informational meeting about the
to be held in Portland, August 3-7, 2011

This meeting welcomes all individuals interested in participating and helping to organize the upcoming
Everyone is invited!

 We welcome your suggestions about how to enhance this traditional ethnic and cultural celebration! 


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